Monday, 10 July 2017

Poem: The surge of power in the Sea

Waves crashing, eyes flailing I look out to see,
The power coursing through the seas.
It never stops to astonish me, 
The decisive nature of the tide. 
We watch in silence and look out at the seas,
Hoping for a warm greeting to lap at our feet

But the surge of waves never stop in greeting
Their emotions are as strong as metal beams.
They ask not for love but give in plenty.
But we humans know only to destroy,
Love and pure beauty.
Love is extrinsic to our nature,
So much so that we feel the need to
 Destroy our givers,
The ones who sustain our existence.

But the sea, it has astounding beauty.
It does not love so it expects not to receive, 
It does not ask for aid to sustain its family.
It still gives and it teaches us too,
To respect and care for our family.
Each wave has different meanings.
The sea has its high and its low,
but it never bottles up its feelings. 
Power and strength are what the sea teaches me.
It does not have disdain for our ways 
But compassion that guides my journey.

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